Monday, October 19, 2009

The Good, The Evil & The Psychopath..


What is it's existence?
Do we need it to exist?
How does it seep into our veins?
How do we counter-effect it?

1)Evil, the quality of being morally bad or wrong; wickedness. One that cause harm, misfortune or destruction.
The Devil one who is known by many names, is correlated as the root of evil itself. How true is this?

A man killed another for money.
Mercilessly, driven by rage and the desire of money he killed a fellow man.

A fellow man who have bright dreams lit ahead, kids waiting at home to welcome him home, a wife at the doorstep to catch a glimpse of his return. Now shattered glass on the cold stone pavement. Broken dreams... Who is the culpriT??? Who is the one who caused his death? Directly to be blamed is the murderer himself of course. But who is the one who directed this man's character, whom is born a pure, innocent baby, to a cold-hearted murderer???No baby is born with the flame of evil in his eyes. No baby is born with the desire to kill. With the desire to only commit wrong doings. To bring destruction.
The answer is closer to home than we think. Family influence, peer influence, the society. The three key elements of creating a perfect evil psychopath. Its time we as a single individual do our part to stomp out the roots of evil.

(to be continued)

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