Sunday, October 4, 2009

Character: Can it be designed??


A specific combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person. How its molded? With a combination of experience(school experience, friends experience, personal experience, etc.), environment(beside town, in country etc.), family practices and guidance and etc. it makes you who you are today.

Think back, the best example and the strongest one is when it comes to love. With every fail relationship we learn and acquire something.(Unless your a person who never learns. Start noW) If our first relationship you were cheated against. In the next one you will find one who has a trustable character. At the same time, you learn to be more careful and doubt the minute details of instinct. Why does it happen?


A perfect defense created by your mind to avoid you getting hurt again spiritually. Crazy people go BonKeRS because their spirit cannot endure the pain, the stress. Thus it shuts down. Or it might even develop a dual-personality. Or a angry person, a killer. It all depends on a persons personality, his/her beliefs and support from family and community alike.

Putting bad traits aside, we focus how to bring out the best in people. Faithfulness, honesty, bravery, self confidence, etc. Its a very wide field so i will discuss a few and the rest is you to you to ponder and understand.

Self Confidence.
Closely related to courage, its most obvious lacked in obese persons. Reason: They are most teased about in terms of weight. The whole weight issue puts a barrier between them and others. Some maybe lucky enough to still find the comfort of friends and life partners. When this particular group get teased or bullied about it effects their confidence. To them, people don't like them. Fat people they are, they are ugly, useless and etc. This might develop Anorexia nervosa a psychology problem. People who are in the spot light are usually high in confidence. Developed slowly like a staircase, junior drawing champion, senior drawing champion, world-class painter, are all little steps of success and acknowledgment that boost self confidence.

Anger, anger is actually another form of self defense. An outward violent behavior that blames others, when one feels unjustly treated from people and the world itself in whole. How a person handles in stressful situations since young effects this. It effects whether a person lets it go by, stores it in his/her heart creating an angry momentum, or use certain ways to express their discomfort in an non-anger manner(Like exercising out to work all your anger out for example).
Peer and parental influence plays a role too. How they express theirs is how you Might learn to express yours. That's why violent parents usually have violent children too. That is the way their parents express themselves when angry: getting drunk, trashing household, beating someone, or even abuse someone for the feeling of authority.

Now think about it.

If, IF.. We can create a situation, an environment and scenario where two person will experience the same upbringing, same parents, hear and undergo the same speech of encouragement and despair, same up's and down's in life, same love life, sex life, girlfriends, wives etc. Just everything there is possible, to be the same. Specifically and accordingly the same and equal time-frame. Would them both not be equal in character and personality? Would they be? Twins may not be equal in character due to different life experience. But now two people of same life experience, will they be the same??

My answer is DEFIANTLY Y-E-S (but if so,the two must some sort of be equal in looks too i guess).

By understanding how what factors effect personality and at what magnitude an experience needs to be to effect, we can actually improve our child's upbringing. Instead of being over protective, which cause our kid to be spoilt. We could sometimes let them handle big challenges themselves. Leave clues or give encouragement. We might not be able to create the same result of equal perfect personality, but at least somewhat the right personality in our child.

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