Thursday, April 16, 2009

WhY oveR EaT? Duty to oneself and others..

ok, im slightly overweight..i barely exercise. (you dont have to emphasize on IT!~)
so i have to keep a low cal diet in my life.. i might even skip lunch or meals if i dont feel too hungry.

To yourself

Overeating is never good. Im not going to tell you how it will cause you various disease, clog your arteries and bla,bla,bla...

What im saying is overeating is bad to yourself in terms of daily life! Lets say you weigh around 80-90Kg, and you barely exercise. If you are robbed one day, there is a chance you do not know any self defense techniques, and your not exactly strong enough to overpower your opponent. Moreover, your opponent is holding a 7 inch blade. And looks pretty shaRp.. To add it on, you might even be a "CHiCKeN", and start shivering(or piss your pants). So your last option is?

(no Way you gonna hand in RM3,000 in your wallet rite?)
[you just got your pay!!]

AhhaH.. but you're fat and short of breath.. So you probably get to run a street,and go flat. Not a good lap run if you're on a deserted street. (Probably get an extra kick in the ass from ur opponent when he catch up with you)

So, if your fat.. At least have the ability to defend yourself,(if not your girlfriend). Or have pretty strong lungs to run the life out. How pathetic you are if you just hand him over your money just because you have no options.. ("Wat cheerish life?") The last life you will have is broke for the week, and a pretty sum lost in your savings account to patch things up for the month. (that is if you EVEN have any money in ur account..)

So you wanna be fat? Cool, just have quick toes or some skills up your sleeves. For pete's sake have the integrity to at least T-R-Y defend your honor.

FAT does not equalS to not heathly. Some people are plain fat, but you probably lose to them in a marathon match. So as long as you stay heathly and your weight does not obstruct your daily life, go on with your life. Please do something if not so,for YOUR sake.

To others

Some people are not selfish but they just dint realize things that way.
The rich, they eat only a mouthful from every dish.(filthy rich donkeys) Just like kings in the palace. And the extras go to their dogs or maybe servants. It is actually such a waste when still a large number of people still lack of food in the world.
Take water for example, just because you HaVE money, you can afford a tub bubble bath. (waste more water than a shower) Just because You C-A-N. Wherelse elsewhere people lack of clean water to Consume. To drink!! And you here bathe in a large tub, just because you can and you are lucky to be born where you are. Sure it does not make much difference to you, but water resources is depleting every year. And not just you do so, trillions of other rich people do so.

Same goes to food, dont overeat just because you can. (In fact i hate buffets) such a waste of food and tons of selfish patrons who overeat to cover the meal expenses. To eat how much they have paid for.


Eat how much you NeeD..not how much you CaN.
Eating less means more for others stomach who needs food. With less demand means a chance for food resources to increase, like fish, wheat etc. So please dont over eat, eat what you can. You'll live to eat another day..

This universe contains more than YOU.

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